Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Wise Appaloosa

I love to visit barns.  Horses are so easy to talk to....in fact, it was a couple of horses that initiated this wonderful journey that I am now on.  They were actually yelling at me...who could ignore that?

Horses are the very spiritual and have taught me so much.  I remember one barn that I visited some time ago where I learned a valuable lesson.  There were four horses...two dark bays, an appaloosa and a small roan.  I was there to evaluate one of the bays - he had issues with the other horses. 

It was going well, but I was getting more information from the appy, including the fact that someone around there was prejudice.   During my discussion with the owner, it came to light that it was ME!  And sure enough, I had always favored dark colored horses.  This wise old soul, who was light colored with a white spotted back, called me out on it.  We have all heard the saying ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’ - it took a horse to give it meaning for me and I will never forget it.

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